Author - Eternity Ines

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I'm Ety and I love learning about new things. This led me to the previously unknown but now loved topics of virtual mailboxes, remote work, and digital adoption. I have been writing since I was in grade school and have been professionally doing it for print, social, and digital platforms for over 5 years. Cats and fantasy and historical books, and movies make up most of my time outside of work. I prefer to write conversationally and hope that readers of my work would take away a nugget of insight that they can use as a conversation starter for their next party. I write to learn more about the world and life. Being with Anytime Mailbox has helped me develop my writing style to perfectly balance style and substance. As much as I want to be a conversation starer kind of writer, the primary goal is still to impart valuable knowledge. First is to be responsible about the information I put out into the world. It must be fact-checked and objectively correct. Second is the fun part, after all, no one wants to ready a monotonous and boring piece of writing. Eternity Ines on LinkedIn

Blogs by Eternity Ines