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How To Spot and Prevent Package Delivery Scams 

With the increasing popularity of online shopping and package deliveries, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks associated with package delivery scams. 

Delivery scams often start with a text message or email about delivering a package to your address. They often exploit your trust in legitimate delivery services to gain access to your personal information or extort money. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the warning signs of package delivery scams and provide practical tips to keep yourself safe from these sketchy schemes.

5 Warning Signs of a Package Delivery Scam

1) Asking for Personal Information

  • One of the common warning signs of a package delivery scam is a request for personal information. Legitimate delivery services rarely ask for information beyond the essential details required for delivery. 
  • Be extra cautious if you receive an email or text message asking for your Social Security number, credit card details, or other sensitive data. Scammers often mine for this information to steal your identity.

2) Requesting You Settle Payment First

  • Another red flag is a request for money in exchange for a package. Brazen.
  • Legitimate delivery services don’t typically demand payment for a package’s delivery, especially if you haven’t ordered anything. 
  • If you receive a notification asking for payment to release a package, exercise caution and verify the authenticity of the request before taking any action.

3) Text or Email Contains Mistakes 

  • Poorly written or unprofessional communication can be a red flag. Legitimate delivery services usually maintain basic standards of professionalism and accuracy in communication. 
  • If you notice quirky errors or awkward phrasing in a message, it’s wise to be skeptical and proceed carefully.

4) Misspelled and Slightly Altered Website Addresses

  • Pay attention to the website addresses provided in delivery-related messages.
  • Scammers may use misspelled or slightly altered versions of legitimate delivery service websites to deceive unsuspecting victims.
  • They might replace a letter or add extra characters to the URL.
  • Always double-check the web address before clicking, entering any personal information, or making payments. 

5) Messages From Unregistered or Random Numbers or Emails

  • Be wary of messages you receive from unregistered or unrecognizable sources. 
  • Legitimate delivery services almost always communicate using official channels or known contact information. 
  • If you receive a message from an unknown source claiming to be a delivery service, avoid clicking on links or providing personal information until you’ve confirmed the message is legit.

7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Delivery Scams

1) If You Suspect a Trick, Don’t Click

  • Never click on suspicious links or download attachments from unverified sources. Scammers often use suspicious links or attachments to deliver malware or phishing attempts. 
  • Make sure to verify the information by directly visiting the official website of the delivery service or contacting their customer support. If you wish to track your package, go to the official website directly, without clicking on suspicious links from your email or messaging app. 
  • If you are expecting a USPS package, use USPS Text Tracking to know its delivery status. 

2) Use a Secure Payment Method

  • Stick to trusted banks, cards, payment vendors or services that offer buyer protection. Using secure payment methods can help safeguard your financial information and mitigate the risk of fraud.
  • Whenever possible, avoid providing credit card details or other sensitive information through email or unfamiliar websites. 

3) Don’t Respond to Unsolicited Emails Claiming to be From Delivery Services

  • If you receive an unsolicited email claiming to be from a delivery service, it’s best to ignore or delete it. Legitimate delivery services typically don’t send unsolicited emails unless there’s a genuine need for communication regarding a package. 
  • These bogus emails may contain phishing links or malware that can compromise your security. It’s crucial to avoid clicking on any links or providing personal information.

4) Don’t Hesitate to Report Suspicious Activity

  • If you receive a potential package delivery scam message, report it right away.
  • Contact the legitimate delivery company and inform them about the suspicious communication.
  • By reporting, you contribute to the prevention of scams and help protect others from falling victim.

5) Proactively Protect Your Privacy

  • Scammers can use the information you provide to impersonate you or gain unauthorized access to your accounts. 
  • Additionally, always use secure channels that mask your private data. For example, a virtual mailbox protects you from scams by providing you with a real street address that you can use instead of your personal one. 

6) Don’t Call the Number on a Package Notice Left on Your Door

  • If you find a package notice left on your door but feel suspicious about its legitimacy, don’t call the number that’s attached to it.
  • Scammers may provide fraudulent contact information to trick you into revealing sensitive details or extorting money.
  • Instead, search for the official contact information of the delivery company and call their verified customer support to inquire about the package.

7) Contact the Legitimate Delivery Company

  • When in doubt about the authenticity of a package delivery message, reach out to the legitimate delivery company directly. Use the official contact information on their website or from a trusted source.
  • You can also drop by their nearest branch to make an in-person inquiry. Explain the situation and provide them with any relevant information regarding the suspicious message or notice you received.
  • The genuine delivery company will be able to verify the status of your package and guide you accordingly.

Don’t Fall Victim to Package Delivery Scams

Package delivery scams are unfortunately becoming more common in this increasingly digital world. But by being aware of the warning signs and taking proactive measures, you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming a victim. 

Verify information independently. Report suspicious activity promptly. Use common sense.

By doing these things, you’re doing your part to protect your personal information and contribute to a safer online environment for us all.

Stay vigilant, we got this.

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